The programme will run over a period of 10 weeks and will include two main activities on different days after School.
The fist activity will be trampolining at Bacons College on Mondays between the hours of 4-5.30pm.
Two trampolines will be used and clients will rotate between using them and taking part in athletics or capoeira activities whilst they wait their next turn. There will be lead coaches for both activities with support staff helping clients access as much as possible.
The second activity will be swimming at Darwin Court on Thursdays between the hours of 5-6.30pm.
There will be two qualified swimming teachers amongst the support team of eight.
Clients will be in water for roughly an hour with the team and will be engaging in swimming techniques and games. This will include gliding and pulling techniques as well as floatation games.
Trampolining and swimming have been chosen because they are the two activities clients will be able to access quite easily whilst also giving them the feeling of weightlessness. Trampolining will help with balance, co-ordination, and agility. Activities on the trampoline will also work major muscle groups and improve gross motor skills.
We will be looking to keep clients as active and mobile for as long as possible. By taking part in capoeira or athletics whilst not on the trampoline this will help to continue to use energy systems and keep heart rate up.
Swimming is known to be one of the few activities that use all muscle groups at the same time. Constantly working against the resistance of the water will help with clients fatigue build up.
The programme will help with fitness and wellbeing whilst also improving overall physical literacy. Working on social skills also will be another beneficial side of the programme as we believe skills such as listening, waiting, working with others, individual work, behaviour and focus are all key skills to help us achieve positive outcomes.