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CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It's a record of what you experience, learn and then apply.

As a Network we go above and beyond to ensure all staff working within a school setting have the support and guidance they need to succeed.

CPD Calendar

Our CPD calendar runs throughout the academic year. Training days include NQT training, Dance, Gymnastics, EYFS/KS1, KS2/Assessment, SEND/Inclusion and termly PE coordinator meetings. 

Our NQT training is now part of the Southwark NQT training programme. NQT's will be enrolled as part of their NQT training but will also receive sign up emails from the Network.

Information for all the training days will be sent out via emails and our twitter account at least six weeks before.

Team Teaching

The Networks team teaching programme runs for a minimum of four weeks with staff who feel they need more 1:1 support. The fours weeks include a mix of us watching the teacher teach at least twice, us leading a lesson for the teacher to watch and a team teaching lesson in the middle.

The programme can run for longer that four weeks if the staff member feels they need additional support in a particular area.

Playground/Lunchtime Staff Training

Two separate sessions that consist of our staff showing a range of games and activities that use very little equipment and limit space. Schools also receive resources to support the delivery of these activities during play time and lunch times.


Get in touch

0207 237 1928 Ext: 4086