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Dr Jess Turnbull Designated Medical Officer for SEND & The Sleep Intervention Team - Sunshine House NHS 

Dear Glyn & all the marvellous team, we just wanted to say thank you so much for the amazing energy and enthusiasm you have had for this project - we are enormously grateful!

The results I think speak for themselves in the feedback we have had so far - the families have been so positive about the sessions and in particular the skills of the team in engaging their children and the progress they have seen in the last 10 weeks. THANK YOU!!!

And we'll be in touch soon.... 

Leslyn Alatiche, parent at Saturday Sports Club

The Saturday club has been a lifeline for my son. He has many friends and looks forward to going. He also uses the trampoline as a release of tension. We would love for this valuable service to continue.

Oudey Glover-Tetley, parent at Saturday Sports Club

The Network and Saturday Sports Club at Bacon's College has offered myself and family much-needed respite. Glyn, George and the team are very understanding and aware of my son's SEN needs: autism and ADHD.

My son is very familiar with the staff and their consistency; it's a chance for him to socialise, play in teams and exercise at the same time, especially due to the fact he suffers from social anxiety and often refuses to go anywhere! Easy to commute to and a great, safe space for SEN young people.

Rob Hyneman, Cobourg Primary School

It has been an absolute pleasure working with you all in the last few years. Your commitment, hard work and dedication to P.E and Sport in Southwark is something I respect hugely.

Get in touch

0207 237 1928 Ext: 4086